Some wall paint ticks could make a big difference to your home, Interior4Design helps you paint your room walls with these amazing decorating ideas..
Check out these instant creative tricks and tips! will be at your hands whether you are doing repairs at home or you just develop your artistic skills or you do it for the purpose of just fun! The technique of drawing with yarns, hand prints in the frame, drawing with water, ink and wonderful designers' tips to greet your home wall!
Fun and innovative handicrafts, enjoy it yourself!
Also Read: Jotun Paints And The Latest Color Paints Catalog
First Idea: Pink Panther Wall Paint
A wonderful idea for pink lovers, it's easy to paint your walls with pink colors like this style ..
How To Do?
1. Bring a roller and nylon that used for packaging goods, then roll the roller with nylon.
2. Dip the roller in paint, it's a pink color in this example ..
3. Start painting for the wanted rooms or just specific walls.
4. Finish the paint with this amazing view. Now, drink the Tea for the mission done.
Second Idea: Blue Striped Wall Paint
For me, I like this style of painting, it's simple, easy, and neat, in addition to that, I love blue paint color.
How To Do?
1. Bring your paint bottle, wait, down drag it in the tray..
2. Now use the needle to suck few centimeters of blue paints.
2. Start injecting the ill wall with paint "medicine" :)
3. Make it load till the end of wall or wanted area .
4. The final shape would look near to this. So set down and start smelling roses .
Third Idea: GreNature Wall Paint
This paint method inspired by Cypress tree, that have lighten spaces among black green leaves.
How To Do?
1. Paint the whole area with green color,
2. Using brush (Not brush teeth :) ) to scratch the paint while it still mushy.
This brush :)
To see something similar to this.
The perfect idea to bring some light behind this paint.
3. Handsome style to look at in the home.
Forth Idea: Geometric Wall Paint
This Geometric paint is a modern style that would enter all houses in the future.
How To Do?
1. Buy plaster tape, red or black doesn't matter.
2. Start pasting the plaster into the wall with need shapes, let's try triangles, it's easy.
3. Paint the wall before your kids start touching it.
4. A free tool to do that is the sponge, but don't tell your wife :) .
5. Each area has it's own colors.
Do it carefully without entering borders.
6. End the project by removing plasters on the wall.
Final results "could be similar to this (it depends on your creativity).
Also Read: Modern Wall Paints - Catalog Of Beautiful Paint Colors
Fifth Idea: Black Mac Wall Paint
Lol, I cool it black mac because neither devices are in black and the wall is painted with black.
How To Do?
1. Bring rubber band that you used to hit your school friend with :) + Wood plate.
2. Wrap the plate with rubber band.
3. Dip the wood in the paint tray.
4. Start painting the black wall with these white paint. "Just Press & Up"
Do it to whale area.
5. Final shape would be like this.
Do you touche.
Sixth Idea: Ice Mountain Wall Paint
A cool idea that uses old clothes to shape a style similar to snowy mountains.
How To Do?
1. Bring your old clothes ( I prefer something brand :) ).
2. Now cut the the blouse into a square shape it's size should be enough for the roller.
3. Spin the roller with the piece of clothes.
4. Tie the blouse with the round stick of the roller.
To look similar to this.
5. Brush the wall with blue or your favorite color.
6. Then use the roller to do the next task.
7. Do it till the you come to this shape.
Seventh Idea: Red Block Bricks Wall Paint
This an amazing idea for youths and rustic style lovers .. Block walls in red and white.
How To Do?
1. Bring sponge piece with the wanted size, and put it in brown or red paints.
2. Orderly, splash the wall with this block-shaped sponge. One by one to build the whole wall.
3. Do it with passion.
4. Do your touches such as hanging a clock.
Eighth Idea: Golden Egg Wall Paint
:) This could be implemented using any colors, God yellow paint would be a stunning idea.
How To Do?
1. Use fryer to heat the paint to make more liquid. "LOW HEAT"
2. Put the sponge into the plate.
3. Start painting (Press and UP).
4. To reach the final look.
The same for blue wall and white splashes.
Have a nice day Interior4Design Fans
Also Read: 10 Of Best Colors For Bedrooms This Is How Paints Could Do