The mother usually loses the compass because of life's worries and works, so Interior4Design bring the guide of how to organize your baby's bedroom.
The bedroom is the most chaotic house in the house. You have to keep your door closed all the time. The clothes are spread out on the bed and floor, in addition to the scattered books and pens in each corner. Hash is controlled by. In this context, housekeeping tips help in arranging them, in ten minutes:
- The wood surfaces, especially the study desk, are cleaned with a cloth dampened with water or one of the disinfectants.
- Cleaning plastic toys, for the safety of the child, they remain within reach of his hands all the time.
- Bed mattress.
- Use the vacuum cleaner to clean the carpet, taking care to wash the latter with soap and water once a month.
- Dust the curtains with a soft vacuum cleaner brush.
- The windows open to warm the room and enter the natural sunlight, which expels the bacteria hidden inside.
- Gaming storage boxes made of cardboard or plastic are suitable for various purposes. They can be decorated with colored paper and placed under the bed to gain space, but not to exceed 15 cm long.
- Baskets are suitable for keeping clothes, which are not used daily, and can be hung on the wall. Comments behind the door carry daily clothes.
- It is necessary to customize basket for soiled clothes, too. It is advisable to put a small rug in the place to play, the child prefer to sit on the ground and not on the chair.

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