
3D Plan Home Garden Design Ideas

3D Plan Home Garden Design Ideas
    3D Plan Home Garden Design Ideas

    Having a green space in your home is certainly an area of ​​delight and relaxation. The garden area is not necessarily large so you can feel comfortable in the presence of green spaces within your home. Those of us do not dream of a private garden,
    decorate it and leave in it the spirit of nature, but we think it is difficult to implement but with us today you will find that there is suitable for your budget and the space of your home, whether limited or large.

    What Kinds of Gardens?

    1 - Garden with stones: The presence of stones in the design of the garden makes the garden designs very distinct, this design of the garden is distinctly distinct with the presence of plants and colorful flowers with light trees, and was completed with a touch of stones for more elegance.

    2 - Garden and a small pond: some trees and plants are simple to hold that small pond, for the touch is very attractive of natural details together.

    3 - Garden distinctive: a very elegant garden and green land in the courtyard of the house, to design a garden is simple and easy to the eye of the very simplicity of its design, the white wall around the garden make the garden design distinctly distinct.

    4 - Ceramics with nature: a garden designed in a very genius with a different touch of ceramic to the green land plotter and painted.

    5 - Garden and living area: Add a small sofa in your garden and you will get a living and relaxation area and not just a regular garden.

    6 - Small Garden: A small garden in the courtyard, made up of two beds of plants and colorful plants give the place a joy and calm clearly.

    7 - Garden and private session: This special session and simple is your address for moments of rest and relaxation, the combination of plants and trees with a green touch of wood in the garden design in addition to the stone in the walls gave the garden distinct and different explicitly.

    8. A small but beautiful courtyard: Not because it is a small square that will not be a beautiful garden. It can do this by taking advantage of the spaces. A small wooden box with beautiful trees can be used in the square to become a beautiful garden in this small square.

    9 - Garden wood center: Wood is always the touch Joker in any design The wood played a beautiful role in the design of the garden, the garden is designed in full wood, with those wooden boxes with plants and trees to give you a sense of beauty and harmony of nature, to reflect you also a sense of comfort and harmony

    10 - ladder but also garden: True is a stone staircase, but also next to a very distinctive and dense garden, designed to give you more sense of beauty and excellence.

    11 - Balcony, garden and elegant tassel: This design is very cool. You do not necessarily have green land to own an elegant garden. If you have a balcony, you can fill it with plants and do the job with you.

    12 - Front of the house: You can create from the front of your home a simple and delightful garden that enchants everyone who sees your home from the outside.

    13- Balcony and beautiful scenery: Once again, wood plays a leading role in the design of this elegant and distinctive terrace, a balcony with a view of the sea from the outside and decorated with plants and trees from the inside.

    14 - Garden delightful and colorful: The most beautiful in the garden and what really makes them distinctive is the joy of colors and variety of different plants and trees, which increase the joy of the garden and make it distinctive.

    15- Classic Garden: Finally a simple and elegant classic design, based on geometric shapes in the coordination of the place of flowers and identified with gravel and stones, grass and creeping plants will be an ideal choice for this design.
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